january 24 - CALL TO ACTION - Flood the Lines



These five republicans are possible swing votes on Betsy DeVos’s nomination to be secretary of education. Call them to express concern—as soon as possible. If just 3 of them vote no, the nomination will fail.  Call them and ask them to "Say no to DeVos"!

  • Senator Susan Collins: 202 224-2523
  • Senator Jeff Flake 202-224-4521
  • Senator John McCain 202-224-2235
  • Senator Lindsay Graham 202-224-5972
  • Senator Lisa Murkowski 202-224-6665



TOM PRICE:  A physician who wants to make people sicker and poorer is the worst possible choice for Secretary of Health and Human Services!

Tom Price is intent on destroying the nation’s health care safety net. He has big plans to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, cut Social Security, privatize Medicare, slash Medicaid, and defund Planned Parenthood.

It’s time to Flood the Lines for Price's second hearing! Call, call, call, and call some more!

1) Lament to Lamar! Between 12:30 and 2 PM on Tuesday, 1/24, call Sen. Lamar Alexander, Chair of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Call your own senators too! A blitz effort with the script below shows that there is an organized effort to block Price’s nomination - and that makes our representatives pay attention. Stand with us as we Flood the Lines. Call your senators and call your friends!

Script: Hello, I am a concerned citizen/constituent calling to ask the Senator to vote against the confirmation of Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services because he has a record of opposition to the ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, and Planned Parenthood, which millions of Americans depend on for their lifesaving healthcare. (Pick one or more of the following!)

  • He has spent years trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. 
  • He wants to both privatize Medicare and raise the age of eligibility. 
  • He plans to slash Medicaid funding. 
  • He intends to defund Planned Parenthood. 
  • While serving on the House Ways and Means Committee, he bought stock in a medical equipment company and then introduced legislation that would both regulate Medicare and benefit that company -- possibly violating federal law regarding insider trading.
  • His malpractice reform legislation would limit awards to injured patients, benefiting physicians and hospitals without improving patient care. 
  • His interests clearly lie with the healthcare industry and insurance companies, not patients. 
  • He has forgotten the Hippocratic Oath: first, do no harm.

Add something personal if you like. It's our health we're talking about!

(If you talk to a live person and you are a constituent, continue:) What is the senator doing to oppose this dangerous appointment? If I don't see appropriate action on this appointment, I will consider not voting for him in the next election and will encourage my network to oppose him as well.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (Chair)
(202) 224-4944 (DC)
(901) 544-4224 (Memphis)
(423) 752-5337 (Chattanooga)

Sen. Patty Murray (Ranking Member)
(202) 224-2621 (DC)
(206) 553-5545 (Seattle)
(509) 624-9515 (Spokane)

Sen. Chuck Schumer
(202) 224-6542 (DC)
(212) 486-4430 (NYC)
(631) 753-0978 (Melville, Long Island)
(607) 772-6792 (Binghamton)
(914) 734-1532 (Peekskill)

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
(202) 224-4451 (DC)
(212) 688-6262 (NYC)
(631) 249-2825 (Melville)
(315) 376-6118 (North Country)
(845) 875-4585 (Hudson Valley)

2) Phone a friend! All of the Senators on the HELP Committee need to hear that their constituents oppose Price’s appointment. If you have friends in any of these states, share the script and ask them to make a phone call!

Colorado - Sen. Michael F. Bennett
Georgia - Sen. Johnny Isakson
Kentucky - Sen. Rand Paul
Maine - Sen. Susan Collins
Minnesota - Sen. Al Franken
North Carolina - Sen. Richard Burr
Pennsylvania - Sen. Robert P. Casey, Jr.
Vermont - Sen. Bernie Sanders
Washington - Sen. Patty Murray
Wyoming - Sen. Michael D. Enzi
Contact info for members: http://www.help.senate.gov/about/members